Summer Independent Programs Abroad
Summer is great time to study abroad, and many UE students take advantage of the opportunity to go abroad in the summer for a language intensive study, an internship, or a program that interests them!
You are free to choose any summer study abroad program you like; no restrictions on particular providers or networks apply during the summer. You'll pay the program provider or university abroad directly, and as long as you can get an accredited transcript at the end, you can get transfer credit for your coursework.
Check out some past students' summer programs for ideas on the types of options out there, then find your ideal program and make the most of your summer by going abroad!
How to Get Started
- Find a summer study abroad program! and are great places to start, or come see us in the UE study abroad office for suggestions and support in researching programs.
- Apply to your program and follow instructions from the provider or university.
- Register your travel with the UE study abroad office on myUEabroad so you get all the health and safety and credit transfer information to make the most of your experience.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 116, Olmsted Administration Hall